Building MDBot - an intelligent Discord bot for MDB

To stay connected during shelter-in-place in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, my club (MDB) turned to Discord as a new platform for voice & social interactions. After hearing about Discord’s easy-to-use Developer API, I decided to build a Discord Bot to supplement our conversations & add to the social atmosphere. Below, I describe how I set up and deployed the bot, as well as everything I’ve trained it to do!

View the GitHub Project here.

Setting Up a Discord Client

To get started, I followed this tutorial over at Real Python. After initial setup of the Discord server (a.k.a. guild), it’s pretty simple to create a bot that can respond to “/” commands sent in any thread.

The Discord Python library follows the asynchronous style described below.

  • To initialize a client, we use client = discord.Client().
  • When a message is sent, the async def on_message(message) method is triggered.
    • To customize a response, we can use or message.content
    • We can filter messages by looking for prefixes: message.content.startswith('/')
    • We can respond to messages by sending await
  • To run the client (and start listening for messages), we use, where TOKEN is the Discord API Token described in the tutorial above.

I deployed the library to a Heroku dyno by simply linking the GitHub project to a new Heroku Project.

MDBot Commands

/spoof (name)

Uses a Markov Chain text generator trained on Facebook Messenger Group Chats from the current and all previous semesters of the club to generate a fake sentence that often has eerily similar language/voice/tone to the person being spoofed.

Since I wanted to keep this repository public while keeping the actual content of the messages private, I encrypted the training data with Fernet before uploading it to GitHub for Heroku deployment. The private key is stored as an environment variable.

/class (number)

Uses the BerkeleyTime API to look up enrollment data for a particular class. Only works on CS/EECS classes at the moment!

/job (company)

We have an internal database of what companies people have worked at (and where our Alumni work as well). This command pulls the names & LinkedIn profiles of people who’ve worked at a particular company. It’s super useful during recruiting season!

/overheard (name)

This one’s based on an internal “overheard” repository that we keep. It’s essentially filled with a bunch of funny/random/out-of-context quotes by individuals of the club. This command pulls from the Airtable base containing these records and sends a randomly selected quote.


A few years ago, a member of our club wrote a script to generate a bunch of Silicon Valley-esque startup ideas based on fixed templates. Check out the list here. This command randomly selects an idea and returns it.


Returns a randomly-selected habit from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It’s an inside joke :)


Returns a random joke from this API.


Returns a random quote from this API.


Scrapes & returns the current day’s menu from Sliver.

The Actual Bot
